IMG_0324Nobody!!!  Yes …it is the the title of my Blog and soon to be published book.   This question of Who is better than you ?….needs to be accompanied by …. at knowing YOU!!   Like most people who have faced challenges throughout their life,  I have finally discovered that no one knows Me  better than me.   I know My likes and dislikes, my ways of doing things and my own natural behavior.   So in a world full of people trying to be someone their not,  I just want to me and be good with that.   I never had idols or other people in my life that I truly envied.  I always knew that other people had their stuff just like everyone else.   What I  craved was to know was how do I become the best version of me.   What would that look like?  How would it feel?   Would I be happier once I got there?   The answers I found have came to me in dots along the way.   We are all connectors.   We all have dots.  Some us connect the dots in the rear view mirror and some do not.  The ones that do connect in the rear view get stuck in the past  and seem live on a merry go round living each day over and over again .  The people that connect the dots figure out they are on the path that leads to a fulfilling life.

If life were meant to easy and fair we would all know our path way ahead of time and just skip our way to our final destination.  How boring!!!   Nope.. here is the gift or the puzzle you must figure out every single day.  You get to decide how this is all going to play out for the most part.   I have been on the path of self discovery my whole life.  It’s purpose and main reason is I felt like life was really not very fair.  I was confused and hurt by the cards I was dealt.  At times miserable and scared.   How in the world was all this going to work and it is it possible that it is only me??   That is the worst.   Feeling like the only one. The bottom line is self discovery is not the same thing as Self Help.  It is different.  Self discovery is finding out what really makes you tick and focusing on all your attention on finding out more.  Self discovery is realizing that you are unique and so is your story.  Self discovery allows you the space and time to be the best version of your self.   Self discovery gives you permission to love yourself and all that it embodies ……your body, your mind, your actions and your relationships to the fullest.  It is not narcissism, it is the opposite.  It is an act of kindness.

When I was very young my world dramatically changed when grandmother died of cancer .  I was eight.  She was about the age I am now.   She was my rock.  I adored her spirit and the love she had for everyone in the family.  She was everything fun and beautiful.  Gentle, kind and loving.   I remember it so clearly when she passed.  My mother changed and the whole world  changed with it.  Back in the day we did not speak of tragedy or death.  We sucked it up and carried on.  It is the English way.    I was devastated.   Let’s just say this was my beginning into understanding life is not always fair.   The next ten years of my life were challenged by alcoholism, dysfunction, separation, moving and moving again.  My life was upended over and over again so many times.   All I wanted was calm and continuity.   Now that I can look back I can connect the dots.   I can look back I can recognize and appreciate my strength.   How I would have  loved it  if I could talk to the teenage girl  I once was.  So daze and confused by the drama and unwinding of a fairy tale.  For a while it seemed like a nightmare only to be compounded for years of trial and tribulations.  Volatility at its worst.    It was a like everyday was a new beginning of uncertainty and anxiety.     So what would I tell this young girl who’s life seemed like a total mess??



I would tell her she would travel to foreign countries.   Dine on yachts and walk the red carpet at Broadway plays.  I would tell her she would meet famous people even date a few.  I would tell her she would get married and have babies .  I would tell that yes it would all work out.   I would tell her that witnessing some of life’s challenges gave her compassion and understanding.  I would tell that her sensitive side is real because of all that she lived through.  That all of these experiences would be the foundation of the woman who she would later become.   That it was not all for naught.  You see… we all have our stories and in the middle or the end  it all starts to make perfect sense.   Your  path in life is to discover what makes you feel alive.   Your relationships guide you.  Your passions guide you.   Your emotions tell you it is Real.  You are real. Your  mistakes teach you.   You failures are your greatest teachers about what not to do again and again and again.   Every single one of us has a responsibility to ourselves and that is to be the best version of You.    You already know everything that is good inside of you and everything you need to change to make it better.   You know everything you need to let go of and why.   You know ever person that has ever wronged you and who you need to forgive.   Yes ….believe it or not you already have the answers to most of life’s hardest questions.   Why?    Because at the end of the day No one know you better than you.

The path to Self Discovery as I like to call it,  is an Art.  It is the art of knowing who you really are.  Why you are here.   What do you serve and how?  The path to self discovery shows you what you are made of.   We all have a reason to be here and we need to make it our life purpose to finding the answer.  I am convinced the more you know yourself the better chance you have  of a life that is abundant and filled with joy.   Knowing less about yourself causes confusion, distraction and most of all unhappiness.

The book I am writing is to help people discover who they really are.   I have been a consultant almost 30 years.   I know the secret to everything in life is in how you view yourself first.   The rest as they say is minor details.


Who is Better than You??? who is better than you

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