circle of life

As Mother’s Day in the United States approaches I can’t help but think of the circle of Life and how truly blessed I have been to have my two children.  Being a mother has and always will be the greatest gift to my life.    I dedicate this blog to the two people who influenced me the most in life and giving me the most love.   A love that is so big that it compares to no other kind of love.   Zach and Ali you are loved more than you will ever know.   May the circle of life show you how life works and may you be blessed by it.


Here is what I have come to learn as a mother.   The minute you love someone more that you love yourself, life takes on new meaning and new perspective.  You begin to understand more about the environment, society and government.  If as an individual you did not want more for yourself, you wake up and want more for your children.  It is an awakening to become a parent when you love your child with your whole heart.  Being a parent in today’s world takes a lot of guts.  But you know what?  I have a feeling every generation has it’s challenges.   So here are things I want to share with you my darlings as you grow up and I want you to share them with your children when they show up.pregnant mom

I have loved you even before you were born.

You matter more than you will ever know.

I am not a perfect person.   I still fail, love me anyway.

Try everyday to be a better person.  Ask yourself “how can I serve?”

Go for it.   Be afraid of not living your dreams.  Don’t live to please me.  Follow your own path.  We will both be happier if you do.

Where there is darkness bring light.  Do not gossip. Do not judge.  Play fair.

When you fall down…. slow down and get back up.   We all fall down, but not everyone has the courage to get back up.

Be honest.   Most importantly be honest to yourself.

Ask for help!!   You are not meant to figure out life all on your own.  Most people enjoy helping.  It helps them live their purpose.

Try to see life in the 360.   We have all had different journeys just to just arrive at the same place at the same time.  No one has walked in your shoes and vice versa.  This is an important one.  When someone has a different perspective that you it does not make you right and them wrong.  It is just a different perspective based on their view.

Take less than you need.  Greed steals from tomorrow.

Be humble.   Let someone else toot your horn.  Know that I am your biggest cheerleader.

Forgive often.   When you do not forgive someone it can eat  you alive.   Always be the bigger person.   The minute you forgive someone for not being perfect you breathe easier.  We are all human.

Count your blessings daily.   Your life can change in a instant.  Before you go to bed think of at least 5 things that were good that day.  You will never need to count sheep and you will sleep better.


Wake up and be grateful to be alive.   Your day will flow better when you awaken with gratitude.

Sometimes things happen beyond your control.  The only thing you have control over is your reaction.

Dream big.  Then dream bigger.   The world is  full of possibilities.

Pray, meditate and have faith.  You will find the answers one day at a time.  Pray or send good vibes to people you do not like or who have disappointed you.  You will feel better.  Get quiet so your can hear your own answers.   Have faith that one day at time everything will work out exactly the way it is supposed to.   Never lose sight of this.

The 24 hour rule.  When someone pushes your buttons, give yourself 24 hours before you respond.  It is allowed.

Life is a journey without a road map.  You get to decide left, right or sideways. You are meant to enjoy the ride.  Live your life with passion.  Figure out what makes you tick.

Listen.   Listen to your friends.   Love is blind but the neighbors aren’t.   Listen to your heart it knows what you really want.   Listen to your elders, chances are they might know something you don’t.   Listen to your teachers they have mastered their course work.  Listen to your boss, they are in that position for a reason.

Read.   You will learn the most from books.  Make it a habit.   Read about everything you have ever been interested in and then read some more.  It will enlighten you.

Believe in yourself.  You are here for a reason.   Surround yourself with people that support you.  Hold on to them with both hands.

Be Kind.  Kindness is the answering to all suffering.



Happy Mother’s Day  Weekend to everyone, including the aunties and close friends .  May the circle of life remind us how important we all are.


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